


FLICKERTUNES 3 - 11/25/2022 8 p.m at City 46 Bremen

For the groups of clips, the artists Seppo Gründler and Robert Lepenik build a collage of deserted scenes - some newly shot, some found footage - which they assembled according to musical aspects. The first film made exclusively for Flickertunes. Then the music was created - according to cinematic criteria.

A cooperation between REM and City 46

STIO meets Volha Hapeyeva

STIO meets Volha Hapeyeva

unfortunately due to Covid-19 postponed to the future - maybe at Stockwerkjazz Graz

Styrian Improvisers Orchestra

doing realtime interactions with Volha Hapeyeva, poet, writer, thinker, translator and linguis and her texts
The issues that Volha Hapeyeva deals with are not the easiest: the war. The death. The gender ratio. But it does not make it difficult for the reader to follow her lyrical examination of these topics. Hapeyeva’s language draws its strength from sometimes almost laconic simplicity.

STIO Shopping Window Concerts 2021

STIO Shopping Window Concerts 2021

Mo, 25.01. bis Mi, 27.01.2021, jeweils 14:00​ bis 18:00​ Uhr Citypark Graz, EG, Shop 34, Lazarettgürtel 55, 8020 Graz

In strict compliance with the current Covid-19 regulation, musicians of the Styrian Improvisers Orchester (STIO) play a concert with a maximum of four people on the hour, each hour on the hour, a concert lasting approx. 20 to 30 minutes via live stream directly into the Internet. Mo, 25. 1.: Nick Acorne, Elisabeth Harnik, Richie Herbst, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Josef Klammer und Seppo Gründler. Di, 26. 1.: Michl Laab, Dominik Kreuzer, Patrik Wurzwallner, Robert Lepenik, Josef Klammer und Seppo Gründler. Mi, 27. 1.: Harald Hofmeister, Yvonne Hofmeister, Jean-Christoph Mastnak, Franz Schmuck, Josef Klammer und Seppo Gründler.

Link to complete Youtube Playlist

Example video:

The End of Reproduction

The End of Reproduction

AV installation in cooperation with idk (Institute of Design and Communication), FH Joanneum opening hours 26. 3. – 11. 4. 2019 tue, wed, thur 15h – 19h