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Site beeing updated, many older posts are missing and being slowly updated
Conducting for guitars and improvisation orchestra by Robert Lepenik and Seppo Gründler.
Rudi Widerhofer: Speech Performance
Josef Klammer: Speech Synthesis and Wii Remote Conducting
Gruppierungen 03 (Stühle-Film-Fahrten)
16.11.2024 Breitenseher Lichtspiele
Seppo Gründler / Robert Lepenik
The musicians speak of cinematic rational to irrational orders - and groupings. They are represented musically on the basis of the test results. The two Grazers focus on the observation of well-known dramaturgies in the rapid change of rooms. A kind of parallel dramaturgy emerges for the sound events.
Multi channel sound installation for the video work by Detlef Hartung and Georg Trenz for Klanglicht 2024 on 24th to 26th of october see:
Video and text: Ungeheuer
Fr 13.9. 2024, 18:00 - 22:00
Hockegasse 37, Haus 4, 1180 Wien
Josef Klammer & Seppo Gründler
The current Moozak multichannel piece Thounds II is the further development of a series of compositions by Klammer & Gründler, who have been dealing with the spatialization of sounds, binaural or multichannel, since their headphone concert in 1988.
In today’s digital music landscape, the combination of open source software and DIY synthesizers offers a fascinating opportunity to create unique and creative sound worlds. (ChatGPT 4.0)
Sound for the installation Unframed by OchoReSotto at Kunsthalle Graz 13.3.2024 - 9.4.2024
Sound originally for A.D.D.I.T.I.V.E by OCHORESOTTO, originally in four channels in a two channel version.
An idk production:
Music Machine
20.01.2024 15h15 - Anbau Lehár Theater
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 7, 4820 Bad Ischl
Seppo Gründler - Guitars, electronics, gadgets.
plays the music machine build by students of the
Master degree program Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design
with some interventions by Nick Acorne
Arts Birthday at ESC 17.1.2024
Seppo Gründler performs:
Happy birthday - and another hundred years
a birthday serenade for art, created with the help of analysis, resynthesis and AI-supported recomposition of the Oberkrainer birthday serenade.
Live with guitar and electronics.
screening of IMAfiction portrait #10 Elisabeth Schimana
by Seppo Gründler and Johanna Moder
at Echoraum 9.1.2024 20h
A STIO production:
Thu 14.12 - Bremen Impro meeting - SCHNINF (schnell und informell)
Josef Klammer - Percussion, toys, electronics
Seppo Gründler - Guitars, electronics, gadgets:
Nick Acorne - piano, electronics, gadgets
Annette Giesriegl - vocals
Anna Grenzner - cello
Seppo Gründler - guitar, electronics, gadgets
Roman Trubchaninov - Saxophones
4th of Dec. 23 20h Stockwerkjazz
Jakominiplatz 18 Graz
a STANIM/STIO production
Is a series of concerts by Seppo Gründler and Robert Lepenik various places unannounced and from the surrounding area takes place as unnoticed as possible, hidden so to speak.
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@seppogruendler/streams
An open music production:
Thu 5.10 - Tue 24.10.2023 Geo located Audio Zinzendorfgasse-Forum Stadtpark
concerts Oct. 24th. 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 Form Stadtpark
Josef Klammer - Percussion, toys, electronics
Seppo Gründler - Guitars, electronics, gadgets:
Gruppierungen 02 (Teppiche Wasseroberflächen)
Seppo Gründler / Robert Lepenik / Bernd Oberdorfer
Atelier 12, Münzgrabenstraße 24, 8010 Graz 12.10.2023 19h