finally happening 17.5.2022 20h - Stockwerkjazz Graz
Styrian Improvisers Orchestra meets GGRIL
Looking forward to a two set concert, first featuring GGRIL alone, then the big orchestra, where STIO meets GGRIL GGRIL is a motley crew of joyful musicians from a small town of Rimouski, in eastern Quebec (Canada)
The musicians of GGRIL explore the possibilities of spontaneous co-creation through various compositions and improvisational concepts. Qualified of « Post structuralist village band » by the press, GGRIL has played numerous festivals in Canada and Europe, with a repertoire featuring compositions by John Butcher, Jean-Luc Guionnet or Ingrid Laubrock. For the 2020 Europe tour, 15 musicians will be playing new material by Xavier Charles and Martin Tétreault, who created pieces specifically for the orchestra. Ludic and colourful but no less precise and introspective, a live performance with the GGRIL leaves no one indifferent.
STIO was founded by V:NM Graz in April 2012 and consists of musicians from the Austrian Improvised music scene. It also has a certain amount of fluctuating musicians, guest artists, and conductors who are familiar with the language of improvised music.
There are roughly between 15-35 musicians depending on the theme of the concert. The instrumentation can vary drastically, but can include horns, reeds, strings, keyboards, percussion, voice, electronic and computerized instruments, ’ethno’ instruments, or even prepared and self-made instruments.