STIO does realtime text

05th of Decempber 20h 20h
Stockwerkjazz Graz
Styrian Improvisers Orchestra doing realtime interactions with spontaneus provided text
The first of a new series by STIO, featuring dedicated artists, starting with the two founders and organizers of the orchestra.
The focus of this evening is not jazz and lyric but spontaneous, concrete and abstract production of text and sound.
The orchestra processes and reacts to texts and text fragments which were previously e-mailed to (with the subject line Stiotext), brought directly to paper in the concert, read aloud, or spontaneously invented.
Formally everything is allowed, from sound poetry to concrete poetry or passages from manuals.
The Orchestra was founded by V:NM Graz in April 2012 and consists of musicians from the Austrian Improvised music scene. It also has a certain amount of fluctuating musicians, guest artists, and conductors who are familiar with the language of improvised music.
There are roughly between 15-35 musicians depending on the theme of the concert. The instrumentation can vary drastically, but can include horns, reeds, strings, keyboards, percussion, voice, electronic and computerized instruments, ’ethno’ instruments, or even prepared and self-made instruments.