Past Projects

this is just the index file copied from my old website Projects, concerts, ensembles etc. in chronical order from 2016 on an earlier.
STIO - Styrian Improvisers Orchestra autum concerts 2016 stockwerk and elsewhere, usually first monday on october,
november, december, Stockwerk Graz
USB trio - Urban Sound Band Concerts in Jyderup and Kopenhagen 24.-26-10.2016
Sound Knows No Limits - Soundintervention in context of Borderline Syndrom 17.9.2016 Grassnitzberg Styria
ALPENGLOW V - Styria meets Norway - 21.-23. July 2016 Trondheim
Doing what happens anyway - workshops and concert at opening of the exhibition Sex Dialouges in Yermilov Center - Kharkiv 10.6.2016
__ ALPENGLOW IV__ - Audioart Festival - Styria meets Croatia - 28. - 30. August 2014 Pula, Museum of contemporary arts in Istria 31. August 2014 Zagreb, Zagrebacki plesni centar
once I was a guitarrist performing at parasite festival 22.-25.9.2014 Ljubljana
STIO - autum concerts 2014 stockwerk and TiB
im Bunker - AUSGANGSLAGE #15 - BUNKER MIT AUSGANGSLAGE forum stadtpark, mit Ruper Lehofer
urban sound band (USB), with Josef Klammer and Martin Philadelphy, special guest Bennet Hogg, Stockwerk Graz
__urban sound ensemble (USE),with Josef Klammer and Martin Philadelphy,
STIO - Styrian Improvisers Orchestra meets Theater im Bahnhof
asyncronous memories, aksioma - institute of contemporary art ljubljana 27.11.- 6.12. 2013
pivot quartett, with Josef Klammer - drums, electronics, Bettina Wenzel - vocals, myself - guitar, electronics and Martin Zrost - reeds , Dec, Jan, Graz/Vienna details follow CD out !!
Zombie Woof, with Karl Stocker, April 2012, detail follow
alpenglow festival in london, styria meets UK, 24-26sep 2010, coop with sound and music, early bird tickets here
knochen und raketen - soundprojection for a screenplay by Theater im Bahnhof, Vienna ,24.-26.9.2010, brut outdoor,Aspern Seestadt
sicher, Schaumbad Graz 8.10.20101 9h
__ vom dynamo zum großkraftwerk __ with Rupert Lehofer and Ed Hauswirth, in context of WARM ANZIEHEN, 26+27nov, 10+11dec 2010
conerts in olomoutz, vienna, graz, london, selzthal hainburg etc. 2009/10 (to be edited)
alpenglühn 22.-24. april 2008 colognue
membran Kunstradio - Studio 3 ORF Steiermark 30. march 2008 with Josef Klammer, Olli Pall
nomadic producers with Rupert Lehofer at TAG Vienna - 14.march 2008
Sontags Abstract Klammer&Gründler Duo postgarage graz, 12 march 2008 9pm#
tun was geschieht - live Koloniale Berlin BAR ART - prinzenalle 38 1.feb.2008 - 8pm
process not produce - performance lecture Koloniale Berlin BARART - prinzenalle 38 - 31.jan.2008 - 8pm
klammer&gruendler duo plays ”berlin” - volxhaus celovec/klagenfurt 13.dec 2007
klammer&gruendler duo plays ”DARM HAUT STROM” - 8 channel version - munich germany - 6.dec 2007
orgonworkshop - play in honor of 100 years Wilhelm ReichTheater im Bahnhof, Köpping, Lehofer, Stocker Gründler, b.u.t. vienna 9.+10. nov. 2007 - pictures here
knochen und raketen - soundprojection for a screenplay byTheater im Bahnhof, a styrian autumn 07 production, Reininghausgruende,pictures from rehearsal and performance
Ima Salon at Ars Electronica Festival Visual Music, Cecille Starr, Mary Ellen Bute, september 07
klammer&gruendler duo plays ”berlin” - muenster germany - 7.oct 2007
klammer&gruendler duo plays ”berlin” - wels austria - 3.oct 2007
darm, haut, strom 6 channel koncert with josef klammer, context menuett unikum klagenfurt, september 07
pd-hendrix meets the alzheimer trio - with Gernot Tutner - V:NM festival april 2007
perfomance with(in) pendel - a performance with the soundinstallation at ESC, 28 march - 07, 19:00
nomadic producers with Rupert Lehofer at improcup martinee, 11h 24. march 07
klammer&gruendler duo plays ”berlin” - echoraum vienna - 23 march 07
pendel - a soundinstallation with a swinging guitar, based on Steve Reichs piece and my minimundus ESC, 16 march - 14 april 07
ima salon #5 07 resonierende gedächtnisspuren, Transmediale / Berlin / Akademie der Künste, 31.1.07
__ darm, haut, strom __ - 6 channel koncert with josef klammer, context of grazer art award to Peter Hoffmann -25 jannuary 07
klammer&gruendler duo at austrian soundcheck 06, 14.nov.06, relese of new cd BERLIN
nomadic producers with Rupert Lehofer at IntermediateSpaces soundfile mono - nomadic_producers_ljbl_101106.mp3 [Ljubljana - 8.-10.11.06 ]
klammer&gruendler duo - artist in residence in - tesla , Berlin 7.10.-21.10.06
ima salon lichtmusik with Cordula Boesze at city of women, [Ljubljana]
part time employee at the IEM - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustic, University of music and dramatic artsIE, Graz (1983-2006)
Minimundus revisited - minimundus,four historic media works as full working miniatures, [sonambiete berlin 2006, 1.6. - 16.7. 2006]
the great score - part 8 - the netscore“ with Elisabeth Schimana, and all the outposts, on site - on air - on lineKunstradio1.1.06 23h5
umherschweifende produzenten, mit Rupert Lehofer, Theater im Bahnhof 20.12.05 20h - ,concert recording here, bad bootleg - mp3(32kb) of V:NM 05 here
anders hoeren, [palacky university olomoutz, nov.05]
graz-mockba-graz, exhibition, dom im berg graz, 26.10.-4.11.05
the great score" - part 7 - 7 hours nonstop in Dom im Berg with Elisabeth Schimana, Musikprotokoll05 Graz.okt.05 20h
the great score - part 6 with Elisabeth Schimana, [Ljubljana, Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Arts ,Kapelica Gallery 9 sept.05 20h]
dunes/durchzug, installation during opening of IMA-Hainburg 4.june 2005
Umherschweifende Produzenten, mit Rupert Lehofer - V:NM Festival 05 ESC 25.may 2005
the great score - part 5 with Elisabeth Schimana, MAK Nite26 .april.05 20h
the pppanic lessons, with KarlStocker, ESC Graz2005fettleibigkeit video
newoize, with Julean Simon, Ruprechtskirche, Vienna 20:00, 6.march 2005
gewebe 04 / memoria, with Günther Gessert, Cordula Bösze, Elisabeth Schimana, Andre Smirnov, students of Theremincenter, Iraida Yupusova, Lena Quadrat, 25.nov.2004 19:00 DOM moskau
anders hören, palacky university olomoutz, 8-11th nov.04
newoize - with Julean Simon,IEM- CUBE Musikprotokoll, 24th oct.04
sounddesign for “foyer” by Wolfgang Bauer, a TiB production, steirischer herbst 04, list halle, premiere 8th oct.04
minimundus, ESCsteirischer herbst 04, 5th oct.04]
detector, performance for 5 radiodetectors, live-streams, electronics,Kunstradio, reinventing radio, Ars Electronica Festival, 4th sept. 2004 3h30
the great score with Elisabeth Schimana, Ars Electronica Festival 3.sept.04 22h
public rehearsalthe great score at K3 in Pischelsdorf 22.Aug.04, supported by KULM
headscapes parochial, klammer&gruendler, concert for elektroacoustic duo and 60 earphones (from the famous “kopfhörerkonzert” - series, [Berlin 19th aug.04, 23h, singuhr
- Parochialkirche - Turmsaal
old boys new noise [episode A]: Julean Simon (blaselektrik), Seppo Gründler (guitar - controlled electronics), 30.Jun.04 Stockwerk Graz 21h
the great score with Elisabeth Schimana, STEIM Amsterdam 24.Jun.04, 20h
fragmentierte fleischer, proposal for “festival der regionen 05”, rejected, pdf, germanonly!)
the wallisch hike (wallisch wandern) - Theater im Bahnhof [9-11.6.04 20h Rabenhof Vienna] (Wiener Festwochen, the dictionairy of silence)
white room, with Elisabeth Schimana, concept for an interactive multimedia installation and a two years programme in Kunsthaus Graz, rejected, PDFs (german only!, Konzept,Erläuterungenmay 2003
Dunes III
update #5:, The undersomething special, thinking about H. Bulls and P. Readys Underwater Special etc.
noise of 3 with Josef Klammer and Peter Herbert,
“niveau”, with Peter Böhm, Corinne Schweitzer and Burghard Stangl),
Duo with Klaus Lang (organ)
GHIT (Gründler/Harms/Shinobu/Tozzi)
Society for the disemination of new music
list of works(very old)