the fifth channel
1st July 2018 22:05 Kunstradio the fifth channel (for Heidi Grundmann)
Seppo Gründler: radios, guitar-controller, electronics Josef Klammer: radios, drum-controller, electronics
Kunstradio“ was a central point to the work of Heidi Grundmann). We (KLammer&Gründler Duo) as “media musicians” percieved as a fith channel in the austrian media scene. In “the fifth channel” we use the live broadcasts of the four official austrian radio channels(Ö1, Ö2, Ö3, FM4) as sound sources. Processed and controlled with drum- and guitarcontrollers they form the “fifth program” in realtime. Its brodcasted as abinaural amisonic satialised stereo signal. Its referenzing to a work by Klammer and Gründler dating back to 1997 commissioned by the Kunstradio. “Four Radio“ for two respective four radiostations. Ö2 and Ö3 was the source for a 4 channel piece. Two stereomixes where broadcasted on Ö1 and FM4. Listeners could choose one of the two stations or experience a 4 channel choice in using two radios tuning in to two different stations.